Has been quite sometime since I've felt like this. Lost and clueless, I felt like I didn't know where I was heading. Woke up from two barrel-fulls and that was when I realized I didn't even bathe or remove my makeup last night. I was so tired from last night. To think that I could only have done that if I was drunk or something. I have the angry man to blame. I know I should have been 'used to it' now... I just am not, I will never not. How ever can I ? It troubles me so much I wanna give up. It was just too much to swallow, I felt restless and weary. I could have enjoyed this beautiful Sunday all alone chilling out in my room but it was the opposite feeling totally. For a moment I ignored all the calls to ask me to go out, the incoming emails and messages and just wanna engulf myself in misery. Just what is best when I have to fear?
relationship problem ?