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this is how I document my life :)

(::: Featured Song :::)

I feel alive every time I listen to this song.
It rocks!

Thursday, 22 May 2014


Work's been really meh, except for the paycheck. Hallelujah :)

Sometimes I blame myself for being too soft and forgiving. When facing colls whom I can term as "friends" somehow, I do not wish for bad blood with. Then again, I had committed 2 mistakes. :(

The Shit Analogy:
1. Being 'coll-friends', I somehow gave huge trust, let my guards down. It backfired and after the convenience of shitting anywhere and producing a lot of shit, I was thrown right in front of the field to clear it.

2. So I tried to forgive and forget but being nice doesn't mean any better as the person who shitted, tried to smear it on MY wall. Who's gonna believe me that I wasn't the one who shitted? Ya ya, unless there was a deep dive investigation. If only...

I'm so…. tired the whole week clearing the shit and polishing MY wall, while faking a smile and putting a strong front. I survived the last 4 days. :)

I realize that there's 3 things I can never do:
1. Suck up to anyone 
2. Not asking questions when I am curious / unsure 
3. Fake a smile / try to be happy when I'm angry 

so, Ms Neo was talking to me about MsK a couple of days ago and referring her to shit being the worst performing, highest pay, fakest front and least contributor to the team for almost 2 yrs. I told her that shit has at least great use as fertilizers for plants to grow into edible self for humans to consume and there's some recycling company around who recycles wastes into useful products/paper… so morale of the story is, shit is everywhere, u eat and use some kind of shit everyday, u make shit again. 

Viscous cycle.

So shit is like pests, there's no way you can get away from it all your life. Hahahahaahahaha…

It's a matter of survival everyday yet trying to make the best out of it. It can't be more contradicting than this. This is so true...


Has been quite a while since I've been penning down real thoughts on what that's been happening around me… I need to say my congrats to so many people around me, I wonder now when I should start. Let's just pick 10 most recent ones in the recent months all 喜事.

The small little addition to the Tan family on 20 May;
KL has successfully conceived under IVF after trying for 2 years :');
the sweet communion of the couple who got together @ Chjimes (come to think of it, me and ad have some credits in your relationship ok haha);
P'C for getting on the GWOOT which is really a great honor! ;
the sweet beginning of AR for meeting Audi;
dearest bud + hubs finally settling down to a dream home near Mom;
KP for his new promo;
gor2 having his 1st newborn;
us for getting our PP unit @ a low cov;
angel's successful bid for her dream unit!…

Eve, Alv, HY, Lin, Mike, Cel, AR, Audi, Zhao, Herv, Chors, ZW, Jes, Me, Ad, Angel, Ryan =)
wow wow !!! I can't take this anymore!

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