Out of sympathy, I agreed to lend my Malay colleague $300 last week with no questions asked... She told me her husband's pay got delayed and she needed money for Hari Raya. She smsed me privately to ask me not to tell other colleagues in her department. After passing her the sum, she told me that our Boss has agreeded to give her an advance pay so she could return the $ to me.... I've trusted her :(
Time and time again, she texted me saying that Boss only advance her $100, she has no $ to pay me back and kept delaying the payment and wanted a $50 instalment??? Fcuk... I was really disappointed in her... thinking that I could trust her.
This is the sequence:
1. Long sms to ask me to lend $300, reason: Hari Raya & husband haven't get his pay, pay me back once Boss advance her $ as he was outstation
> oh ok, wed pay me back is it? later i pass to u...
2. "Sure I will pay u... once Boss is back I ask from him and pass u... later u pass me don't in front of the rest k...thanks"
> okie.. but boss will only be back on Fri
3. "really? then pay u once he comes back'
> okie...
4. "thanks for your help... don't worry i will pay u for sure"
> ok :)
5. "thanks again babe for helping me"
6. "Boss said next week...how next week can?"
> next week ok...
7. "He gave me already but he gave me advance 100 only shit la how 2 pay u another 200... i feel like crying ar... i will pay u when i get my pay can? but i cant afford 2 pay u lum sum i pay u 50/mth can? today i give u 100"..
8. "so sorry end mth i got my salary i pay u can pls?"
> hey xxx... let's make it 100 per month so u'll pay up by Oct
9. "ok, thks , ltr i give u da 100 ok"
> okie!
10. "don't worry i will pay u 4 sure...tks once again...never thought Boss will give me 100 only"
11. "tks, i will keep my words"
> okie.. u must learn to spend wisely n be responsible with it u know
12. "i've waited for u but u never come back mon i pass u k"
> okie..
13. "i'm having fever on mc today i pass ur money tom k"
> ok
1 hour later....
14. "if i pay u 100 wen i get my salary can? so aug salary (get in sep) - $100, etc... x 3"
> huh... cannot dear.. why like that..
15. "i thought i could use the money to buy my daughter milk n pampers n bring her to c doc also my husband till now havent get his salary once my pay day i will pay u 4 sure"
> no la...tmr u come back pay me 100 as u said.. i don't like this kind of changes..spoil my trust in u..i'm q disappointed u know?
16. "ok...ya i know coz i tot boss give me 300 but he only giv me 100 never mind i giv u da money tom k"
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