Doc: How do u feel today?
Me: Not well. I had diarrhea and vomiting last night and suspected it was due to food poisoning.
Doc: Ok.
Me: But it's not the watery type. (*afraid he will prescribe more medicine*)
Doc: Oh, so is it like mash potato? (OMG OMG !!!! I could die laughing on the spot!!! hahaha!!)
Me: Urm, ya.. (*HAHAHA!!) ………………………………..
Conversation 2 in my office at my desk
…. after some casual chat
D: U know, my eldest son "very early mature"...
Me: Oh is it? He's in P.6 right?
D: Ya… just days ago, he told me he saw some strands of hair at his 'bird'
Me: OMG, hahaha
D: I told him to tell his Father.. Aiyo this kind of thing
Me: Hahahahahahaha u can teach him ma
D: how to? That day I bathed him… "it" was very big for his age… and it's "hooked down" already.
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