Good morning blog!
I've finally settled a presentation last night and felt like a tight belt unbuckled off my waist. haha this was how I felt yesterday. I really have speech problems speaking in front of a big group. I've got compliments for my "good and clear voice projection", however, I would always stagger on my words even though how many times I practised. WTF... ? It's so unlike me when I teach in my language class... all boils down to control and familiarity I guess. Anyway glad this load is off my chest! Now, am concentrating on completing 3 assignments (toal of 16,000 words). Now "Who's your daddy !" *grin* (adaopted from Herve's pet phrase) TEEHEE.
Hmm.. on a random note, I was at my client's yesterday. All his ads were in colour... and it looked really good, seriously, beside his other competitors tho' all colour ads.. but he has this 'unique' idea to think B/W would stand out and could save his big bucks... so I showed him some page with colour vs B/W contrasts, after much counteracts he was still much in favour of his own 'undaunted' idea... went on to 'want this and want that' and in the end, all his ads were in B/W though bigger in size now.... he gota spend more $ on the total value and lesser areas to be exposed (seriously not worth it if u ask me from my point of view, i'd rather his ads remained in full colour altho' smaller but gain more prominence & corp image & furthermore, could save him more $)... he's really one of a kind. He was scrutinizing his latest ad, almost stripping the ad naked.... and blaming the person who did and approved the ad... *cough* was him, himself... (HEE) Hmm U see, I couldn't oppose him, he was adament with his own ideas. Unbiasness and professional advise were useless cos' I could see his determination to prove me wrong. :) With all respect I would give in cos' ultimately, I wanna leave the meeting room shaking his hand, with a smile, make him happy, feeling happy myself and many years of returning business... U get my point? It's no point argueing or proving who's right in this situation. The one who agrees, disagrees.:) (*Who gets my point? Raise hand! High 5 to u) I was afraid of a reduction... but somehow, the overall investment value increased by a couple of thousands tho' he 'wanted to save $ for the company.... That was all it matters... Ok, moral of the story: Ego may win U an arguement over a situation but not win U an agreement.
OK gonna type my report.
This weekend will be busy with my project but i'm looking forward too for all the gastronomic adventures in store. Update soon PEEPS
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