Singapore's General Election has just been held last Saturday on the 7 May 2011 and clearly with the buzz, the news and the hype going on for the past 1 month, Singaporeans have this common topic of interest in coffee shops, void decks, offices and social networks! I haven't been following up on any of such Youtube or comments on Facebook much cos' of my hectic school work, until after my BKK trip.
After a casual 10min chat w Angel last Thursday who raised that big "Huh, U don't know?" when we talked about my constituency, Aljunied (the most talked about GRC!), I knew I had to find out more. LOL There's just so much going on in Singapore that I've got to know! It was just so exciting! Thanks to social network, I felt so connected with the GE with the Facebook updates from my politically-influenced-and-well-informed-group-of-friends and got me super anxious with the results cos' this was my VIRGIN vote of my life. Yes, imma Peaceful Housewife-to-be here whose most immediate issues will be education, medical & costs of living. Oh yes, justice and equality.
Well, WP (led by Low Thia Kiang) won thumbs up over PAP (George Yeo) for Aljunied GRC. It was a big 10% win for the opposition and I think the results were kinda much expected. Yes? No? I support our current Government to the max cos' they've made our life more worthy than many of those in developing countries. However, some policies I don't much agree. Somehow the people have spoken through this election.... and guess it's time for PAP to do find out why these people are not in favour of them as before. Feel sad somehow cos' George Yeo (Foreign Minister) will no longer be in Parliament and is going to leave politics.. there's not much paparazzi going round for him and he's the only Minister that I relate to when it comes to social media in a positive way thru his blog n FB. As Bloomberg reports, he is the 'biggest casualty' of this election. :( GEM or not? I don't know cos' I am never into politics. BUT hey, coming back to think of it, I HAVE NEVER SEEN MY MP BEFORE in my entire life living here. Where WERE they? :( They only visited me 2 weeks before this election with their whole bunch of followers who asked me to get ready in 5mins as the MP is making his rounds... and ASKED the problems faced staying here. Like halo? Only now U are making your rounds and asking us, the residents, your voters?
Let's see what miracles WP can do. Skeptical as i may be. It isn't difficult to touch my(our) heart(s) too.
One RANT I cannot swallow and need to document about this GE. Close friends will know by now how much I CANNOT STAND her!!!!! Ok, RIS LOW was history but seriously speaking, she has more creativity and popularity than.... Ms. T. :(
I've watched how TPL speaks on rallies on youtube. I went through a couple more last night. I just couldn't convince myself she's ignorant and can't speak well/not well trained. HALO, if U r in politics... it's a prerequisite to speak/relate to the people and connect to them... Where's the conviction? I love Goh Chok Tong and how amiable he is.... but a million of DISLIKES for dis 27 year old. Never have I placed TPL side by side to compare with the eloquent Nicole Seah's manifestos. Ok, so TPL speaks like a story recital... Some online criticisms put it as "ROBOTIC". The LIVE interviews are so SCREWED with answers that I can only relate to a Secondary School Student.... I feel like crying and hitting myself when I watched these on youtube. Thanks lor TPL. U made my DAY.... Boo :( (Btw, Nicole Seah, GOOD JOB. :)
Thanks TPL for the nice script recited.
Like a video from some Chl 8 artist.
OMG.. Universal Studio is a BRILLIANT reply. I was relating this to my Uncle colleague who hasn't seen this youtube. His 1st reply was "Huh? Her parents die liao ah?" (OMG! He was so candid! My whole team burst out laughing!)
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