hey, i've came across this many times and today chanced upon it again. this is so meaningful that i thought i should at least document it.. i mean why would a guy's head turn when walking with his gf upon seeing other girls walk pass or worse, when drive pass them... i mean with a bf who doesn't compliment that his gf is pretty, she would feel ugly and not good about herself and worse when she could get compliments from other friends or strangers esp. when she's in the pair of jeans the bf feels she looks ugly in.. LOL maybe he finds her gf unappealing as compared to the other women out there, then why wanna settle down with her and what would happen to this relationship 10 years on? demoralised and super unmotivated, worse still if unnecessary conflicts arise. gee... better not to think so far.
Anyway, it's a darn ironic world here.
The more we wanna make things better in life for everyone, the worse and adversed the effects could be. This happens many times to me, even the fortune teller told me, this is my life. I don't get appreciated for what I do and should not expect any returns. I've already came to light with this rule in life that, anything GOOD that comes without any expectations, is a BONUS and my FRUITS!
I feel like adding this to the above quote, "Find a man who would cuddle you to sleep, who would speak more with words of love more arrogance, who gives thought to what you say and make things better, who would give you warmth when you feel cold, who would render help when you need it most and keeps his promises and remembers them all".
lol... no wonder they say SG gals are demanding.. Are we? I'm sure guys will have their own quote about the right girl... I would really wanna hear them from u.
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