นี่ไงเพื่อนเกลอ รูปเธอแฟนฉัน

this is how I document my life :)

(::: Featured Song :::)

I feel alive every time I listen to this song.
It rocks!

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Sweet November (Part 2 - Shopping at Haji Lane & Ion Orchard)

Saturday, 13th Nov 1530 hours
After some great beancurd drinks & mee-sua at Geylang, I brought them to the Pit Building for a mega flea market which should be quite eye-opening for the shopping Queen. lol. Wing bought quite a number of stuff including the same white jacket that I owned too (above). It's one of my fav white jacket-digan that's both versatile and formal :) I insisted her to GRAB IT since it's only $18 bucks (!!!) brand new (*faint*) which I got it at Far East Plaza for $38 and it fitted her so well :) Yay, now we've got the same jacket & blink blink watch!)

Resting my weary feet while they shop... The weather was terrible and I almost fainted due to heat stroke.. like almost....
KP wanted to rest before we continued with more shopping before dinner at Tg Katong. KP is quite a shoppaholic lor! Anyway I brought them here! Yay, Nabin! :P

It was a great time chatting and catching up. Told them about a lot of funny incidents on our Pilates moment when that guy farted during a stunt, our old school stories, etc, etc....

Wing wore the watch on the 2nd day :)
Sunday, 14th Nov 2050 hours
Last minute shopping at ION for some Bak Gwa and Old Chang Kee for Wing's dad. Brought them to T Bar for some great deals... BUT the $15/pc deal is over and gone... so sad... now price is reverted back to the usual and it's really exp$ but Kerng & Wing got some nevertheless cos' the Tees here are really nice. ^^

As usual, when I'm ease in an environment and I'll never be judged for taking pictures (apparently some peeps are fond of criticising me for taking photos.. FCUK them cos' they've got NO life and seek NO pleasure in this world) of places, food, myself, etc..... I'm narcissistic especially when I'm equipped with a good camera . I'm using Blackberry Bold 2 (9700) and the resolution is really good, and it's only 2MP lor :P
I have no idea why I looked like this ...

I've got fat legs!

and I'm kinda short like a balloon from far.

I guess I'm not so that much a shoppaholic nowadays. haha.. IAN is. He's now taking after my title as the SHOPPING KING.

Wing got this TEE. Not cheap...
Kerng got this TEE.. not cheap too!
Completed our shopping at LCG and Old Chang Kee.
I took this photo and love this pic a lot... looks like a Lim Chee Guan advertorial lor. LOL

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