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this is how I document my life :)

(::: Featured Song :::)

I feel alive every time I listen to this song.
It rocks!

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

What is a baby bird called ?

Was having this conversation with Bud & we were suddenly stuck with the above Qns.

Me: Is it Kipling?
Bud: No la, birdling..
Me: Bird your head la! We've learnt before. *googling at the same time*
Oh! It's called a Hatchling. I saw it from the net.
Bud: Hatchling?
Me: Or a chick.
Bud: Not birdling meh. Chick is the young of a chicken ley.
Me: Shit la, cannot remember ley.
Bud: Birdling? Chickling? Baby Bird?

* It sounds all wierd to me *

Ans: A baby bird is called a nestling if it already has lots of feather and can grip onto your finger tightly than it is a fledging.

This sounds better . :-p hee.


  1. hahahhaaa... eh, then wat about a bird just borned, don't have fluffy feathers and cannot grip yet? what is it called leh?

  2. It's called a KUKU bird! HERHERHER@@

  3. ooooh la la.. so i now can visualise your idea of KUKU Bird!!!! HERRRHERRRHEEEERRRRR.... :p

  4. HEHEHE LOL ^^
