นี่ไงเพื่อนเกลอ รูปเธอแฟนฉัน

this is how I document my life :)

(::: Featured Song :::)

I feel alive every time I listen to this song.
It rocks!

Thursday, 25 June 2009


America's Pop Legend...Michael J. Jackson has died at the age of 50 at UCLA ... to cardiac arrest! (See news & the controversial comments) , (tmz pics)
29 August 1958 - 25 June 2009

Though he's not the kind of artist I'll idolise, the most impressionable artist of all times, I find it a real pity for MJ to die so young though cos' to me, he's the most VVVVIP figure in the Global Music Industry... like a Godfather, A Trendsetter, An Pop Icon, A Great Talent, The Best Entertainer of All Times..

Mum called me this morning and told me about the news too. When her customer told her, she was like, "U must be kidding! This must be a joke." Mum's so cute.... She called and I can feel her melancholy for the great loss of this King of Pop. "I love his dance moves & he sings really well... It's such a pity." Mum said. ^_^

U'll Always Be Remembered...
Your Music... and Moves Too.

*Thanks for the alert at 6+am lor DJ!*

For that I was late for work... now at home. ^^
No la... I was late for doing up my hair (curls)...
Gotta take half day.

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