A cheena auntie telemarketer called me 2 days ago, Monday, and told me I've been 'specially selected' to go for a free Holiday either Phuket / HK. I've gota go down to Taka Tower B, Level 14, to receive it but before that, I had to participate in a 90min compulsory presentation as part of their marketing efforts.
*Dun ask me why I went. I'll let U know more when I meet U.
Anyway, I just want to document this whole incident that was superbly well-covered and fishy from the start.... When I entered the office, the Co signboard was 'Smith XXXX' (forgot). Anyway we were greeted by this Malay AL and Chinese AL receptionist who asked for our IC, apparently she took down our names and age and asked us to sign below the form for the 'free gift'.
Then we were introduced to this Chinese PRC named,Alicia,who brought us into a room filled with couples+their sales/table. Her Eng was bad, she couldn't spell but I was really impressed with the way she could speak so fluently.. got a bit of bad breath too... like she's ate fishcakes before speaking to us. BOO :( I guessed she noticed that herself and told us, her mouth was very dry cos' she's talked too much and hadn't drank enough water?!!! *WAHAHA!!!* Anyway, I kept an open mind to what was to be presented. She got us to fill up a 'SURVEY' form with our travelling profile like where we have went as a couple, how much we spent, where will we want to go next, things we look for in a our dream destination, etc. She'll chat us up along the way relating to her own life experience in Spore, that she was a nurse back in China, married an Chin-Dian Sporean, how hairy he was ??!!, even showed us pictures when she was a nurse back in China. *Obviously trying to gain our trust*. While chatting, her eyes would be looking outside the room and she'd apologise and say she had to escort her client WHO HAS SIGNED UP the membership to the ladies as she was pregnant... then she'd bring her Senior Mgr to continue with the presentation.
The Snr Mgr was kinda ungroomed U know. A bespectacled Chinese uncle in his 50s, brown teeth and had p@@r dress sense..dressed like a RAINBOW. Ok, maybe that's being fashionable to him. What offended me during his talk was when he 'criticised' people who buy life insurance and didn't have the 'luxury' to spend until its maturity. His mouth damn SUAY lor! Straight away I rebarked back and told him, please watch his mouth, cos' I happen to be one who believed in buying of Insurance! Then he apologised and said, OPPS, this was his opinion. HAlo!! SIMPLY low EQ, Senior Sales Manager???!! kns. U know whats the most disgusting thing during the whole presentation? While speaking, a white food particle from his mouth flew out to our black table top which he obviously SAW but didn't even wipe it away lor... Yucks! And while showing us something on the paper, he stained the white piece of paper with some yellowish, reddish, oily SAUCE and tried to wipe it away with his sleeves!!!! WAH LAU EH. Then I noticed one thing, his mouth was oily at the sides... and he kept chewing (his unfinished food) in between gasps of breath. *FAINT*I wonder why God made me so Patient and Nice to not Embarrassing him at this point of time* I could HAVE.
Anyway, I was patient and respected that 90min I had promised. So Alicia came back again from attending to her client and continued with her presentation, now into the benefits of joining their membership. Then she'd apologise again to attend to that same couple (1 small sized lady + a male with walking prob) cos' this time, she has got to take a photo with them. This was their 'culture'. Eventually she came back a while later and showed us the photo that she's taken. Ok, good for U.
She brought us around and showed us some pictures on the walls saying that their Co' Boss owns these properties and thus, can in return offer these luxurious stays for their members. She also ushered us to the opposite unit CONCEPT TRAVEL SERVICES / CTS which was their official travel agent for members only and the credentials and certs from NATAS and STB for excellence awards 2006, 2007, 2008, etc. Ok, I must say the mentions from Natas and STB were pretty impressive.
Then we were brought back to the table and now she continued to sell the benefits of the membership. I was really impatient now and diplomatically asked for the Price. She was calm and told us she'd reveal the price after covering 2 more items. *Loon!* Finally, she revealed the 30 yrs membership price at 45k + $99/yr for admin fee. I told her straight in the face, "No, we are not going to sign for it". Then she's like... 'Is it because of the price that U are not going for it today?' At this point, she called in the disgusting Snr Manager. He was giving us attitude already for not parting with our $$$ to sign up, that when we filled in the survey form and stated our 3 dream destinations which would have costed us 20+k, etc. Simply pissed me off here. I was really looning and being nice to them not wanting to make a scene lor. I raised my voice and retaliated back saying "No, my money is not meant for any travel holidays, it will be made into good use in investment, and that I don't see this as an investment at all, etc." Guess what he said??? "Oh, then in that case, I wish U good luck man to be even going for your dream destinations" *WTF. CB. Thinking back, I should have really gave him a good scolding* I mean, we do not have to tolerate any of their sarcarcisms. WTF r they to comment on our decisions? I would have banged the table if this happens in future. DON'T EVER BE NICE. I just couldn't be bothered really to argue further. Good luck to them too. KMA.
I thought I could release my anger by complaining to Ad but I guess he wasn't in the mood to listen. I felt so...... terrible inside... I didn't talk to Ad the whole night. I was really angry w Ad too. For one, I was doing all the talking as if I am the only one attending. Two, I was retaliating all the sales pressure. Three, after all that I have done, I couldn't even complain about this to him... I already have very good patience and nothing can get me that angry.... so if I am angry, I am really very, extremely angry, and I need an avenue to vent/talk about to... I wanted so much, but I can't turn to Ad. and that's so depressing. I know I'll be Ok after I sleep and wake up the next morning... haha, but what's the bloody point ...??? Isn't it the process of being with each other that makes who we are today and not the ultimatum?...Like as in from developing a relationship from complete strangers ... to... marriage.... The whole process to me is important. Am I gettin off the topic? Sigh... I've just got to vent my anger here... :'(If U ever receive this kinda call, go if you want to/bored of window shopping in town, it's an experience I would say, cos' U'll learn the dirty tricks from them, the sales tactics, dialogues, acts and U will eventually become more 'street-wise' in future! If U need an avenue to vent your anger, GO! Damn angry thinking back at what happened and screwed my whole evening. Help me give them a good lashing too.
This is some kind of timeshare thing! Never believe in these!
ReplyDeleteDear Client,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Dave Jaswal, the owner of Dynamiks and before proceeding further, my sincere apologies for your experience at Takashimaya. However, please note that we are only a sponsor of the travel voucher and should not be held responsible for your unfortunate experience at the talk itself held by a different company. For you to title this blog as Dynamikz Travel Scam is very accusational and misleading when you have not even used your voucher to begin with. You are welcome to our office to verify for yourself that the voucher is genuine and we have many travellers who have utilized their vouchers.
By titling this blog as Dynamikz Travelz Scam would mean that any search on our company results in your blog showing up and that is detrimental to our business when all we have done is to be the sponsors of the voucher. I kindly request that you ammend the title to reflect the accuracy of your unfortunate experience. Its not the staff of my company who attended to you so please do not take it out on us.
I seek your kind coopeartion in the above as we have taken legal action before against clients who have made such statements that misleads others and bringing our company to disrepute. Please do not think of this as a threat of any kind but rather all we are seeking is your cooperation.
I'll be glad to personally attend to your holiday reservation when you wish to utilize your voucher and once again my sincere apologies for your bad experience by the company that conducted your talk. I will also inform them about this.
You may email me at dave@dynamikz.com and I look forward to hearing from you.
Warm Regards
Dave Jaswal
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteGood day Miss,
ReplyDeleteMy name is RayWing, and I went through a similiar experience as you did. "Insurance" insults and all.
I am now gathering accounts of witnesses who were being called up by these Dynamikz Netwerkz people. The abovementioned manager, Dave, claimed that we have been informed that there is a "booking fee" to go on the supposedly free trip and an "upgrade fee" for travelling to Hong Kong. I don't know about you, but from the accounts that I have gathered so far, it wasn't NOT communicated to us before we went down for the "presentation". I would like to confirm if it's the same in your case, that you have been misled into thinking that the trip was free as well.
I can be contacted at raywing00@gmail.com.
Let us do what we can to stop such scams from tricking more people.
Hi Raywing, I wasn't told of that prior the presentation. It was only when I saw the terms & conditions of the ticket then I found out about the travel fees too. Wats yr experience?
ReplyDeletebtw, I haven't try out the travel yet!
ReplyDeletehas anyone tried the travel???we have the voucher but we are very skeptical to use it.
ReplyDeleteThis is definitely a bloody scam and all those people that are recognisable by all of us should be jailed and made to repay all the money that they had fooled innocent people. The Dave Jaswal should be first to go. He is definitely the most recognisable face. Don't bother going to 17A Dalhouse Lane as the place is now occupied by an Indian operator who denies any connection with Dynamikz Netwerkz con artists! Well done to all of you for highlighting this scam. Please make sure you go to the police and report these tricksters including the receptionists and snr managers!! Of course not to mention the aunty sounding telemarketer!
ReplyDeletehaha, I'm glad that I see your post. Thanks for sharing your experience with us! I received the same call and it is confirmed that they did not mention about any booking fee or upgrading fee. The telemarketer had called me 3 or 4 times already, at first i asked for the company full name (she can only said "Dynamic (her pronunciation) Travel" when I asked no "pte ltd"? and she sort of can't answer. 2 days later she called and I asked for company registration number and she give me an website that i can't find it on internet. I tot of asking a reporter to go with me but now think of it such a waste of my time. Maybe just F*** the auntie off when my mood is bad if she dare to call me again...hahaha!
ReplyDeleteBtw to this thik skin Dave, you have the face to clarify on this blog? I really hate you this kind of salesman, there're so many jobs available why are you doing this type of dirty job?! Go Thailand fly kite sell your Thailand food la!
Thanks for posting your experience on your blog.
ReplyDeleteI too, have received a few calls from the auntie in the last few days.
She told me this is not a hoax, and this award is in conjunction with some program with the Tourist Promotion Board. I asked for her company's name. She also pronounced it as "Dynamics Travel". I checked Dynamics Travel on the internet and Yellow Pages and couldn't find the name. I then asked her for the spelling; and was informed it is Dynmkz Travel Agency. I intended to call the Spore Tourist Promotion Board to check them up. But decided to first google the name. I came upon your blog and another person's blog with the same bad experience.
Thanks, guys for your civic consciousness in posting such scams on your blogs to share your experience.
It's been a great help. Saves me time and alot of pain.
What's with all these timeshare people!! Read from one post that they actually asked the client is she's 'ON DRUGS' when she didn't want to sign up for the package. Same as my experience that the uncle told me 'Good Luck to Living Your Dream Man'.
ReplyDeleteWTF! They should be severely dealt with by CASE for using such unethical comments on others !
I was also invited recently luckily I came across all these comments. I don't want to end up wasting my time and efforts pushing them away and leaving me angry.
ReplyDeleteBunch of idiots.
ReplyDeleteHaha thanks to the owner of this blog. I can feel your anguish in the way you have written and expressed it. I have so much joy reading up your experience though I have not been to such a ridiculous presentation before. These people are really cheats. Disgusting in fact. :)
ReplyDeleteHi people, I actually went to their office at 17A Dalhousie Lane and yes they are no longer there so I emailed them and they promptly replied that they have shifted since last year September. They in fact have improved the redemption procedure and give you the opportunity to meet them face to face to carry out the redemption. You would first have to fix an appointment online via their website www.dynamikz.com and there is a confirmed travel dates section where you can see others who have booked and gotten their airtickets and are going to travel and you can also click on the appointment calendar to fix an appointment. It was an easy process. Within 24 hours I received a confirmation by email that my appointment date was availabe and I went to see them in their new premises located at Orchard Towers...surprisingly it was a very nice office and they brought me to their travel desk and personally attended to the reservation. Same time they explained how the voucher works and why they are able to get such sponsorship. Honestly, before you jump to conclusions you should go and see them with your voucher redemption or email them at redemption@dynamikz.com. The staff are friendly and helpful and there was no selling of anything else. In fact they even have a valid travel agent license so they are ok to deal with. Overall after explanation, i realized that this trip voucher is indeed worth it since I can really enjoy a subsidized holiday thats less than half of what I would normally pay. They also showed me files and records of a few thousand people who have already used and travelled using the voucher to the various destinations and all were complete with airtickets and hotels. They also explained that as wholesalers of the holiday vouchers, they distribute to restaurants, property companies and other holiday clubs and sometimes unfortunately the establishments that purchase their voucher tend to misrepresent it like what some of you experienced with those timeshare talks.
ReplyDeleteSometimes seeing is believing so I would sincerely advise that before making such conclusions you actually go and see for yourself first. Well done dynamikz for improving the system to serve customers better and we look forward to a favourable reply on the outcome of our trip dates for this year June to Bangkok.
Hi all,
ReplyDeleteI have doubts all along for timeshare companies and reading up all your comments already affirmed that part of me and my judgement. I did not take up any offers from them and NEVER will. I have got friends who paid a hefty sum for this (SIGNED CONTRACT UNDER PRESSURE) and have bad experiences with the bookings.
P/S: Past testimonials are all facts.
damn ! i just had this experience. haha. its so true. almost 3 hours of grilling with them. asking you to buy it. they're throwing you all the crap. and they have this senior manager going in and out. stay away from these people. they are now in burlington near sim lim. it's all crap. anyone reported this to proper venue ?
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous #1: I thought this was a big waste of my time too as I didn't have a good experience with the sales people there :(
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous #2: Guessed U have the same experience.
To Mr Wong Seng Kwang: Oh wow, good for U. Haha.
To Liz: These were mine & the rest of the readers' bad experiences with Dynamikz. No pun intended but all facts from what we have been through.
To Anonymous #3: I'm not sure if anyone reported this to CASE. I guessed so!
To all: U all know something? Eversince I posted this thread, there are visitors from googling this thread EVERYDAY, other than Jack Neo's scandal case being listed the TOP.
Hi all,
ReplyDeleteYesterday i had went to the Ngee Ann City for the 90mins talk and after the talk i got $30 Takashimaya voucher n the Travel Free & Easy Voucher.
So did anyone really go to the Orchard tower office to redeem the voucher? It is true that it can travel to Thailand for free? Before booking do we realy have to listen another round of 1 hr sale talk?
Thanks for posting this blog..I got the call this afternoon about this free trip and plan to attend at Burlington in Bugis..good thing i read about this..this will surely warn many people..
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree with most of you. This company has been brought to Small Tribunal Case many times. Thus far 5 members have won their case and got their money back. Customers were not informed abt the “Admin fee” upon collecting the vouchers, accept for airport tax. So Dave, your company is MISLEADING customer. If you think your company is honest, than please train your desperate telemarketers to practice “due diligence”. To Smiths & Barons, they are cunning as to run their tactics by providing MISREPRESENTATED information to customers, giving high promises with lots of discounts, claiming that their Natas Affiliated etc. FYI, their name is not in Natas Accreditations.
ReplyDeleteThis is obviously a cheap gimmick to gain more people to ‘feed their bank accounts’. It’s an expensive lesson for some. But it makes us a lot wiser!
Seems like there are many of such companies around.
ReplyDeletehi dave
ReplyDeleteI worked as a telemarketer for you.Did you ever treat me fairly?How is your favourite tm Laura?Is she still working for you?
Unhappy telemarketer.
Oh dear.. haha, own Telemarketer is here to complain about the manager.
ReplyDeleteFuck you and your crap company dave. This is obviously a scam, so don't try to make you and your company sound legitimate. jackass...
ReplyDeleteAnyway the marketing company is called Smiths & Baron. They get promoters to tag potential customers around takashimaya and enticing you with their "STAR" prize which includes digital cams, $1000, cruises and of course, the "free" holiday. Which turns out to be utter crap and after sitting through 75mins of nonsensical hard selling, they give you a voucher to go for another 90mins with DYNAMIKZ NETWERKZ, which is the same bloody thing. Once bitten twice shy. Dave, if you really want a fast buck, don't waste your money hiring these promoters and marketing companies. Just rob a bank.
ReplyDeleteWoah i just got the call this yesterday too, and was supposed to go down to their premises at #04-24 Orchard Towers. Now I'm definitely not going to turn up. Thank you all for sharing your experiences!!
ReplyDeleteAnyone tried the service of Concepts Travel Services pte ltd(CTS) which is affiliated with Smiths & Baron. Is there any relationship between Smiths & Baron and Dynamikz Networkz?
ReplyDeleteCTS is an active member of NATAS with IATA award.
Fool said ...
ReplyDeleteSome of u heng la, me lagi worst ... knew all this scam n crap still dig a hole n buried myself into it. All because of that black-hearted lady named Fann Li (hp 91838531) from Asia Events Network Pte Ltd, promised me everything is FREE when do the voucher redemption n she even asked her "boss", Agnes to confirm with me that everything is really FREE. I told her million times that $50 booking per person is needed, $150 upgrad free to HK per person is also needed n airport taxes needed too. She still dare to tell me those are old conditions, now change already ... all are FREE ... no booking, no upgrade fee n even taxes. I trusted her n went to Asialinx at Burlington square, I confirmed with the lady at Asialinx about the voucher, she told me those fees still apply for the redemption, then I called Fann Li again, she still gave me those promises n she said just go for the 90mins presentation, anything get back to her. Ok, I went thru ... n called her again n again before n after making the redemption. Until at Dynamikz, the redemption officer told me those fees are needed n he talked to Fann Li n she still said she was told that all is FREE. So of course la, I cant proceed the redemption n that Dynamikz guy told me to get back to Fann Li .... then after few days ... Fann Li told me ALL FEES ARE NEEDED but anyway still cheap mah ... cheap her to die la ... all these make me like a fool.
I & my wife attended a 4 hrs session in Smiths & Baron Takashima and got the Travel voucher and again attended a 90 mins session in 400 Orchard Road #05-11 Orchard Towers S238875 and paid $100 ($50 x 2) on May 7th, 2010. They promised me to send the ticket within 14 days. So far I haven't got anything, No mail or No phone no to contact them. Any body have any contact no for Dynamikz Networks?
ReplyDeleteDynamikz travel now move to People Park Centre #09-07A.
DeletePeople park centre also close.. i finding for that bastard coy...
DeleteHaving read so many reviews, Dynamikz is a truly big CON-organisation.
ReplyDeletei have just made my booking through Dynamiz Networkz for Phuket. And paid $50 admin fee for each pax. They say they will e mail us back. Lets see what happens. Will update again. But its true,you go to the sleazy Orchard Tower they will again sales talk you for 30 min. I said no and will be waiting to see whether the booking comes true. Keep you guys updated...
ReplyDeletehi, any update from those who made the booking for the "subsidized" trip? the guy who called me didn't tell me abt the booking fee also.
ReplyDeleteanyway, i attended the 1hr talk at the Orchard Tower office (Club Dynamikz), and they were trying to sell the club membership..$3.5k for 3yrs, can get subsidized rates for 4 pax. didn't take up as we want to find some feedbacks abt the company.
All those who got the vouchers but haven't pay the booking fees, my advise is DON'T BE CONNED!!! Cos once you pay, its VERY HARD (x infinity) to get your hard earned money back...For those who have paid and still trying hard to get a holiday confirmation, good luck!! Those who are seeking refunds, if they don't respond to your emails, email and email again. increase the frequency of emails..till they get frustrated...email to whoever you can from the company...thats what i'm doing now...
ReplyDeleteBy the way, funny that dave did not reveal the location of his thai cafe. How to attract customers???
ReplyDeleteThat guy's cafe name is Thai Tantric Restaurant at Orchard Towers. I have not checked it out yet. I wonder if it still exists. Please check that out!
orchard towers!! thats where the company operates...no wonder...switch here switch there...how convenient...close down dynamikz still have restaurant to survive...ahahaha...
ReplyDeleteHey guys,
ReplyDeleteRecently my fiancee received an email regarding an appointment being scheduled for her to claim some subsidized travel packages.
Apparently, the company's name has been changed to Innovative Consultancy Services (Asia) and their mode of operation has been "expanded" to include emailers to unsuspecting people. They even included newspaper articles to strengthen their case that they are a legitimate company working with the tourism authorities in Hong Kong and Thailand to promote tourism.
Their address is still the same - 400, Orchard Road, #04-24, Orchard Towers...
Is the cafe still there ? Anyone knows ?
ReplyDeletehi dave ,
ReplyDeletei like to know why u have stop defending yr compnay and also can u response to the following questions
how many complaints have u received for this year and how many people have complain to CASE about your company
do u look into cases of misrepresentations by yr staffs
don be afraid go to small claim to sue them, CASE mention they will not reply to CASE. so don waste time, go to small cliam straight,get wat ever refund that you can.. must show them that we ppl are not stupid. let the governments knows that there such company exist. if the company get so many complains, i believe 1 day they going down!lets united & bring them down.
ReplyDeleteI received a call from ICS yesterday who told me to come down for a presentation to receive a complimentary travel to HK or Thai. Is this the same as Dynamikz? Or the above comment mentioned Innovative Consultancy Services?
ReplyDeleteThe lady told me I only have to pay the price of the airport tax. Just told her I am not interested.
HI Mabel,Don be cheated by them, I was approach by this lady so call from ICS saying giving free tour to HK & Thai..rubbish!! then they will ask you to buy other "membership" don go! it the same , u r told to go to Ochard Tower??
ReplyDeleteI didn't question if its at Orchard Tower...
ReplyDeleteI went to the Dynamikz Travel previously at Ngee Ann City for the talk at Smith Baron's and was completely put off by their sales approach that I just stormed off.
Now that they called me again even in disguise of another co name, I will not be taken in again and waste my time just to get this highly questionable and disputed travel voucher.
Hi Mabel u clever that you did not go, i was approach by this ICS too & went to Dynamikz at Orchard tower. Got cheated after recieving the stupid membership card. They twist & turn their words.I have file this case at Small Claim.
ReplyDeletehi all,
ReplyDeleteI have just received a call from ICS may I know is this a true call and free tour package? Is this company the same as Dynamikz? I have heard a lot of Dynamikz case.
My parents got conned by Asialink too! We so need to get the media's attention on this. It has been so many years n they are still thriving! Just got acall from innovative travel agency apparently they have moved to people's park! They think moving to a new location nearer to all the travel agencies make them more credible??
ReplyDeleteThey even claim that they are not selling time share or memberships!
i hav went to small claim & got the judgement in my favour, but waiting for my refunds, Dynamikz is all idoits!! they trying to be funny with my refunds. Fine i wait till the due date, i will make sure they pay me & i will go to issue the writ of seizure. No matter at wat cost i will hav my refunds back, trying to play games so i will! i going to the media to bring them down too, Make sure the company close down! fuck off all scammers!!!
ReplyDeleteAny updates on any courts proceeding or updates on whether anyone actually manage to get their trip confirmed?
ReplyDeleteI had also placed my deposit to book ticket since last year. They kept delaying and I had tired of waiting and demand a refund back since January 2011. Now is already March 2011 and still no reply.
ReplyDeleteHave somebody organise any groups to sort for refunds? Or could anybody please advise whats should I do?
Theses people ought to teach them a lesson!
I can be reach at doraem66@gmail.com
Thank you
Please join ...
I just received the so-called 4D3N complimentary voucher (literally an A4 paper with lots of text & bad design) from Dynamikz Netwerkz with condition that you must spend at least an hour (I can foresee it going up to 2hrs or more) with Dynamikz. This voucher was promised by a Telemarketer if I attend a property investment talk by T-ierra Group Pte Ltd, which I did because personally, I was curious to find out @ any property.
ReplyDeleteAfter the long talk by the T-ierra sales reps who beat around the bush with very odd tactics tried to sell me properties which resembled time-shared investment, I was given the 4D3N voucher. I then realized the "FREE" voucher was from Dynamikz with many attached conditions. After google search, I found many sites which talk @ Dynamikz and its unethical sales tactics.
I just want to share that any company that works with Dynamikz definitely has little credibility. I will not waste my time to claim this "FREE" voucher. It's obvious there are people still being scammed by them, so we need to spread the word to warn others of these companies, and how they will scam you by baiting us with freebies and cornering you in their office with their so called "at least one hour talk" aka pressure selling.
Lucky u to have googled them!
ReplyDeleteThey may give free travel vouchers but pls read the conditions in small print. Eg. TAX is payable, admin fee and SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY. In the end U'll end up paying almost for the ticket and god knows how u can survive the 4D3N not being haunted by them.
I didn't google them before I went for it.
After reading all these comments, I was reminded of that bad experience I had with them and wasted my 2hours at Taka.
The sales were PUSHY in selling, facts were totally SUSPICIOUS and when they know you are not interested, they just give BLUNT remarks .. Pity them. They were so LOW-CLASS n UNPROFESSIONAL to begin with.
The sales there may HAUNT U at your hotel every morning, just to hear that talk/presentation. haha.
Seriously speaking, time share has lost its beauty and value, ACTUALLY it never was good. It just sounded good if U travel for leisure every week, that's so IMPOSSIBLE. If this company was really that professional and ethical, they would have looked for those Rich tai tais who has $$$$$ to spare. BUT no, they are doing it MASS.
People, please don't get taken in anymore.
Lucky i chanced upon this blog. Someone from City Media called my HB and invited him to a 2hrs presentation at OCBC centre.
ReplyDeleteMy hb was tempted cos they promise a free tablet of either an IPAD or Galaxy. We went down and I am surprised to see that the person you met at Ngee Ann "Alicia" was the person we met previously.
We are still comtemplating whether we should pay $89 which they claim is for handling/administration/shipping charges.
And yes we also got a 4D3N travel voucher from dynamikz. After seeing so many negative comments abt them, I better not waste time on this !!
Anyone went to the presentation I mentioned above recently?
Hi there, u meant the Alicia - PRC?
ReplyDeleteDidn't know they've upgraded to give out iPad/Galaxy tabs. Thought a lot will be taken in. City Media sounds relatively new but Dynamikz is the Top search everyday on google and linked to this page.
Seems like no one has tried the travel voucher. I really wonder how it will be. Dave invited me to collect mine and will personally handle my case. Seriously, i can't be bothered after all that has been told and experienced myself. > <
Just wanna caution all, there's NO free lunch in this world. Sample size maybe. :)
There's a facebook page on frauds. Who started it? Anyone from here?
ReplyDeleteI purchased the travel package from Smiths&Baron.. Never got service(as usual).. I am trying to cancel the membership and claim back my money. Can someone give me the details if you were successful in getting money back? Appreciate any valuable information you give. Thank you.
Anybody bought a 4D3N Bangkok deal voucher from outlet.com.sg and is undertaken by Dynamic Travels?
ReplyDeleteI paid for 7 pax in full then they say the dates I want are not available... am now engaged in a tussle with them.. very frustrating..
I think enough is enough! We all need to put our frustrations and bad experiences together to get as much refund back as possible and such company should not continue in Singapore.
ReplyDeleteAfter joining the club, all my holidays became frustrating. They took so long to reply my emails, I am going to print all these out and going to CASE soon. If you manage to claim any refund please give me some tips.
This frustrating not just the money paid for the 30 years service promised but it has been giving me nightmares.
Thanks for this blog, I am printing out all the comments here and it has been a great help to me.
There are still many people falling into this trap. Let us put our strength together to get justice in Singapore.
Can reach me at lovecebu@gmail.com
shaagul, I will keep in touch with you at shaagul@gmail.com
I am one of them who had redeem for the voucher! Stupid me! I should have google 1st and wouldnt have wasted my time then! I think I better give up on confirming my travel and go to small claim tribunal. Can someone advise me what to do? I can be contacted at almond@hotmail.sg
ReplyDeleteOH NO. :(
MAIL ME at jessicaleemeehan@gmail.com
Why don't you contact street deal and see what they have to say.
ReplyDeleteWe also went for the 2hrs presentation at OCBC center recently.
we were given a voucher to redeem for free tablet.
But need need to pay 80plus for courier fee, anyone ever redeem this before?
Hi all,
ReplyDeleteThank for sharing, I too did recieve a call from this lady name Laura from Connect Tour Travel agency to attend a 1 hr presentation on 'Travel Asia' at Orchard Tower #04-24 and thereafter I'll be given a subsidzed 4d3n Thailand/Bali/Macau/HongKong travel package so call organise by some tourist board. After google to this site and reading all this negative feedback, I think it is good not to tempt by GREED so call free travel freebie.
These are all timeshare tactics. The so-called attractive deals are only on paper and when u really want to book the holidays, they will come up with all sales talk (hotel full WHOLE YEAR, tickets FULL, GET BACK TO U, etc).
ReplyDeleteThere is no free lunch in this world people.
It comes with a price and this price is your time, energy, patience, self-inflicted stress. Don't ever buy timeshares for goodness sake. The world is volatile, disasters, eco crisis don't entice us in anyway to plan for our future, let alone, travel and holidays which I dare say, it's better to make impromptu short-term plans.
Hi Jessica,
ReplyDeleteMy experience was diff from yours on the travel deals purchased online. I do not have to go down to the office at all.
The BKK trip that I've recently went http://som2550.blogspot.com/2011/10/bangkok-3-oct-day-4.html was online deal from DEALS.com.sg (advertised as: BKK 4D3N $199 air tic+hotel). After tax, the total paid per pax was only $308 nett which me & friend flew by Myamar Air and stayed at a 3* hotel arranged by them. Travel Agency was: ASA Tours. We have to pay + get tics + travel itinerary at ASA Tours.
Only downside is: no changes to name, date, time, hotel allowed after confirmation.
ReplyDeleteLikewise we got called to attend talk in OCBC yesterday. Hmm, the China PRC still using the same sales pitch 3 yrs ago showing us pics of herself as nurse and family. Cant really understand her Eng tho. So from Fann Li she is now called Xiao Li. I believe all these companies are in cohort, Realty Access, Concord Developments and Dynamikz. Now they have upped their prizes as we got the free tablet voucher which again you have to pay US$89+ shipping cost to CItycorp Media Pte Ltd. We also got the same travel voucher. Decided to check on the co and found your blog. Thks a million.
my concern how can we stop all these foreigners (angmohs from dubious countries) China PRC Indians etc from coming into Singapore to scam people. These have been evolving and going on for years.
Does anyone know how can we highlight to the authority so that something can be done before more and more people get suck into their scams.
Hi all,
ReplyDeleteI was doing a search on travel scams and found your blog. Thank God...
I received a call from a well-spoken lady (Singaporean accent) today from Citycorp media as well to invite me to their OCBC office on 25th level this Sunday 12noon to attend a travel talk. The promise was a "travel break" for 2Adults 2Child to either Bali/Phuket/Macau/even Europe on condition to just pay the airport tax....
How true can this be??? I was so skeptical as my friend bought 20k timeshare few years back and felt cheated too.
She kept emphasizing that this is not a scam, they are an advertising firm under Government DMAS. She checked on my details and wanted my criteria to fit the following:
1. Married
2. Age 35-65
3. Couple income >7k
Basically, she told me she wanted "high profile" invitees. I told her my total income did not reach 7k and she said never mind.
Please do not believe them. :(
I went to OCBC , west wing, 25th floor with my wife today. Chris, an ang moh, was the presenter and was really persuasive. I ask him how is the price of the ISV (your initial investment) peg to? what kind of benchmark. He says it belongs to their worldwide companies benchmark. So, i ask, how many members do they have world wide, he says, it's a good question, i don't know, probably millions :)
ReplyDeleteI said, you are a good sales person. Anyways, the offer price starts from around 38,800, and it goes all the way down to 17,800 or somewhere near the figure. i just said, we can't afford as we need the cash for rainy days, he bring the price down to 10,000. With the ISV peg to 38,800!!
How is this possible in my mind?? we ended the session ASAP and he left to the ground floor. How did i know, i saw him when i left to the ground floor and i actually said, thanks Chris!! he looked stunned, i think he must have been speechless, after trying to con me, i am saying thanks :)
I am in the same dilemma as Carol and I will lodge a complaint with the authorities on Tues 27 Dec if I still can't get hold of Ben or whomever it is at Dynamikz. I have been told that they have moved and to date, no one seems to be picking up calls. I'd visited their office at Orchard Towers at different times of the day and was pushed from post to pillar all giving different accounts of their opening hours.
ReplyDeleteSo listen up Dynamiks, this is your final call before I proceed to the authorities.
was silly enough to buy their travel membership in Sept but went to CASE 3 days later to rep me and request for cancellation invoking the 5 days cooling off period. CASE advised me to file my case at SCT after they did not respond to CASE after numerous attempts
ReplyDelete4 months later and with 2 judegements in my favour (they appealed to set aside the 1st order), i am still waiting...
DAVE...i am waiting for 17th Jan, the day stated in the order to pay up....otherwise i will come with bailiff to cheongkong your office equipment.....
Hi, does anybody know where has the company moved to?
ReplyDeleteYes. Moved to People's Park Centre #09-07A. But the office is close with a stupid note stated in the process of moving. Obviously they are trying to avoid all these problems!
DeleteThey no longer at people's park centre. I went there nobody there. The complex management told us lots of people looking for them and told us to make police report. Any ideas hw to make e matter known to our gov so they can help us.
DeleteIts at Orchard Towers 4th floor
ReplyDeleteI went to the time-shared talk this January, I do not sign the membership as the room was packed with people, music extremely loud and my mentor is the CPR Alicia. She is very naggy and cheeky towards my handsome husband. So I was annoyed at her attitude and then dont bother to sign with them.
ReplyDeleteHeng ah :>
I was been cheated by this Dynamikz Travel!! I bought a 4D3N trip to BKK via Street deal and due to the flood, i cancelled my trip and now they have no intention to refund the monies. Office close and nobody pick up the DB phone!! Im calling out to anyone who bought the same deal as me to file a mass complaint and police report. Please get back to me at moon@hachunglaw.com. Thanks for all your corporation!
ReplyDeleteHi! My parents and their friends have a similar problem. They booked and paid for a 4D3N trip to BKK at Dynamikz Travel's office at Orchard Tower last year. But because of the flood, the trip was postponed and eventually cancelled. After a long discussion, the sales people at Dynamikz Travel promised (verbally) to refund and to send my parents and their friends refund checks latest by 20th January this year. To date, we have received no information from them. And only recently did we discover that Dynamikz Travel has moved to People's Park Center. My parent visited their new establishment yesterday, the agency is apparently still under renovation but I believe they are just trying to avoid angry customers like my parents. I'm seriously mad and disappointed in the service provided by Dynamikz Travel and am looking for ways to take action against them.
DeleteHi, I bought a 4D3N trip to BKK from Super Deals (by Insing Promo) last year. Scheduled trip supposed to be on 25 Dec 2011. However, the trip was cancelled due to flood. We were told to email them our new traveling date via email from 1.2.2012 onwards. On 1.2.2012, I emailed them my new traveling date and they replied by telling us to make additional charges. In their email, they enclosed flight details to show they've confirmed the flight reservation. I've transferred the additional charges & emailed them the details. I realised something is not right when my emails to them were returned due to delivery failure. Besides that, I've tried calling them but no one pick up the call. I get more worried after reading all the comments here.
Deletesimply u r not getting back the money..just make a police report and file a lawsuit on them as u r not the only person have this problem
my friends just pass me the voucher.....ha ! ha !
ReplyDeletemy friends just pass me the voucher.....ha ! ha !
ReplyDeleteFriends & I were just discussing about timeshare tactics & scams. The business model is ridiculous. Basically, the people behind the business just need OUR MONEY to make investments & roll. Timeshare is just a product painted beautifully to entice consumers like us to 'fall' into the trap to sign the contract $xxxxx. Imagine paying every month $$$$ for something that you have to SHARE with the others, and NOT having the luxury to USE it, be on the WAITING LIST (ridiculous!*#$!) when you are ready to use the accommodation and be DENIED saying its unavailable? Or how about this, you are approved of your booking because you have to choose some Offpeak season, ULU places or places even locals would be avoiding (Eg. Winter in Europe).
ReplyDeleteLet's take a step back and think about this:
How many days of leave can we really take in a year to TRAVEL? 7? 10? 14?.... I would say on the average, 10 days max. Though you may save some $$$ on accommodation, you still need to fork out $$$$$ for your air-tickets, expenses & food. 10 days of accommodation in EUROPE doesn't cost u $$$$$$ for the monthly contribution to these Timeshare companies.
Work your math.
To add on, these timeshare sales people are downright foulmouthed when you deny their offer. As consumers, we have ALL THE RIGHT to deny any sales offers people! Let's not fall into their trap/sarcasticisms. They have no right to call us names, comment on our decisions and let alone, make us feel any negativities or doubts about their products (if they are professional & sincere in selling).
Say NO to timeshare.
They did not pay up even with the 2 judgements which were in our favour. We actually went to bailiff and with the person we went up to their Orchard Towers office to paste all the stickers onto their office equipment. But when its time for the auction, the so-called neighbours sharing the same office as them gave us a letter to say they the co wind up! My hubby even saw the Malay guy who sold him the package in that office! But he refused to own up.
ReplyDeletehow much did u pay for it may i ask?
ReplyDeleteAll in all they need to pay us back almost 6k. But now that they wind up and I just realised that they cheated so many people. Can we band together and make a police report? They still have a tour agency call connection tours in operation. That agency is also located at orchard towers but different level. I believe that the so call neighbours sharing their previous premise in the office is also related as we saw the same salesman working there. Is there nothing we can do to stop them?
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard of any successful case with regards to getting a refund back. And I'm also a victim who bought the BKK vouchers! Dynamikz replied me in an email telling me to contact Bigdeal. But I seriously believe that nothing will come out of it. No doubt we have been scammed. But it seems like a lot of people have encountered this problem. Is seeking CASE really the only way left for us to get our money back????
DeleteThose who are scam by them, Do you want to band together to make a police report? I doubt CASE or STB can help. I even went to SCT and the court ordered them to pay me back and they still did not! What eeks me is nothing we do can help us get back the money. We should just band together and make a police report so that the police can do something for us or at least stop them from cheating other innocent parties. If you are keen, kindly email me at enpalace@gmail.com
DeleteHi En En,
DeleteI'm not very sure about going to the police. Read this: http://blog.singaporebestsite.com/BlogDetails.aspx?BlogID=21&Title=More%20Complaints%20About%20S$199%20Bangkok%20Deals
The thing that angered me is that, even with SCT, Dynamikz still has the guts to not pay up which is totally ridiculous! When they didn't pay you, what did SCT say?
I seriously think the company has 'folded', but its counterparts like Connection Tours at Orchard Towers is still in operation. Hence, they are in cahoots!!We need to stir media attention..guess that's the only way.
DeleteWe actually seize their items in the office before they wind up. And when went to do the uction, their co-sharing office neighbour produce a letter and say that they wind up and the items are theirs. The SCT guys actually told us that if they wind up, we cannot do anything. It really totally makes us frustrated. How can they get away with it so easily! By the way, I did not purchase this bangkok deal with them. Mine is the time share package which we didn't even have a chance to use at all as when we wanted to use the other time, we realised that they quotes they gave us is much higher than the ones that we can find online. Thats why we decided that we want to cancel our package with them as we find it not worth anymore. We have gone through SCT twice since last year and the court ordered them to pay us back but till now we still did not get our money back! CASE and STB also wash their hands off our case and told us to approach SCT. Now SCT push us to another dept. I felt that enough is enough, we have done gone through so many depts and done so many things and wasted so much time. I think we'll probably go and report this matter or visit our MP soon. Hopefully they can help me do something or at least stop them from cheating people again. Their counterpart is still in operation. They are def in cahoots. You are right, maybe we should stir some media attention!
DeleteSo do you intend to go to the police? But if the company isn't there anymore, the case is considered close right?
Hi En En
ReplyDeleteI am also a victim of the 4D3N BKK deal from Dynamikz Travel. Shall email u soon
Hi. I am also being invited to OCBC last year July for some sort of Land Investment Insurance deal which the Ang Mo senior Mgr can reduce from initial 30K down to last offer of $8k for 30 yrs free travelling with them. I don't think there is such Good deal. But now being caught for the Free Travel Voucher from Dynamikz Travel where I paid $880 for booking my trip to HK.They promised to return my refund after the date I booked is not available and till now , I can't find them.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading so many posting, I think I am being Cheated for it! Anyone out there can give me latest update about this company and how can we get the refund from them. It seem report police or go to Case or STC had no used. I think we should go to Commercial Crime Dept to report about them .
I can get in touch at angbob102@gmail.com
Hope to get reply from ppl out there about this matter.
Any one know where n how to locate this Dynamikz Netwerkz bastard ? They will not have Good ending after cheating so many hard earnt money. If police cannot stop this bastard from cheating, we will do it ourselves. Pray for all those who involve in this scam especially Mr Dave will meet their terrible death soon.....
ReplyDeleteSo angry being one of the victim. How can they cheat my $$$ like that !
I have also bought the coupons from Big deals and make payment of taxes and surcharges directly to the Dynamikz Travel. Till date, I still cant locate Dynamikz Travel to seek refund. Anyone know where they have shifted? I think Bigdeal has to be responsible for such a scam. Seems that bigdeal is acting as a marketer for Dynamikz Travel.
ReplyDeleteGo and get Dave Jaswal...
ReplyDeleteDrop me your email add at dave@dynamikz.com and we'll mail you ... and distributed by Dynamikz Netwerkz Singapore" and guess what, ... The contact person is Dave Jaswal - 90040827 or via email at dave@dynamikz.com ...
Contact Person Mr Dave Jaswal
Company Address 17A Dalhousie Lane S(209685), Singapore
Postal Code
Telephone Number 65 63980683 65 63980683
Mobile Number
Fax Number 65 62962514
Website DYNAMIKZ NETWERKZ, http://www.bizearch.com/company/DYNAMIKZ_NETWERKZ_358467.htm
I am one of them who got fooled (rather say was cheated with mis trust) i have paid up the booking fees for the so called free trip & went there to Orchard towers after waiting for almost 2 yrs from now, those bastards have changed their office, but one point to note that there is a Connection tours in the 2nd floor still operating but they are disowning themselves from dynamikz, earlier i had paid the money to a person who is still there but he claims that we just took the money on behalf of Dynamikz .. i also called the Orchard police just in case for safety .. but as usual Good for nothing, was pissed off .. the Police told me to go to the new address in China town, people park .. anyone visited there & been successful, please drop a note to kannadakasturi@gmail.com .. these mother fucking bastards will have a very sinful death.
ReplyDeleteI trying to get my refund since last year. Think we should gather and ask them and streetdeal for our refund.
Deletechina town office also close... but i guess they change theikr name... contact me if you mannage to hold them.
Brush up your English before you comment on others! Stop using bombastic words when you don't even know the meaning dumb bitch!
ReplyDeleteI saw this from another site (attached below from TRUST - Travel Agent Directory). Similarly, I was cheated by them. But now it is impossible to get back the money as this company has already ceased operations.
Licence Number : 01733
Contact Person :
Office Phone No: 68367510
Fax No : 68367516
Year(s) of Operation : 4
Email Address :
Inbound Services Provided:
Outbound Services Provided: Accommodation
Affiliation :
Licence Issued Date: 07-JUL-08
Status : CEASED
Date of Cessation : 24/04/2012
Hi, I a call last week from this lady who invited me and my wife to go for wine-tasting session tomorrow (Tuesday) at 7pm. I decided to google as I suspect it's link to some investment talk, and not just wine-tasting.
ReplyDeleteThe address given to me led to me T-ierra Pte Ltd, 67 Tras Street. I suppose it must be the same company that has been mentioned in this blog !!! Good thing I look do an internet check first !!!
Going to call them tomorrow and tell them to 'fly kite' !!!
Readers beware .... their new address is probably 67 Tras Street now that they are no longer operating from People's Park Complex.
Wine tasting n no mention about any holiday packages? How do u know it's the same? Dont even need to call them jus fly aeroplane!
DeletePolice is sleeping or what ? having so much of complaints they can take neccessary action .. they talk about preventive measures ? huh .. here people have lost money to a moron & looking for him .. what kind of nonsense ? i know no one told us to put money there .. but this is cheating, conning innocent people .. not acceptable in this clean society ..
ReplyDeleteDear Club Dynamikz Member,
DeleteAs part our efforts to enhance the servicing of our members, all travel requests and membership services for Club Dynamikz will be handled by Club Connectz under the care of Connection Tours \& Travel Pte Ltd.
Your enquiry has been auto-forwarded to the membership services team at members@clubconnectz.com .
ReplyDeleteTo the original person who posted this blog - I suggest you get an education. Reading your post made me cringe. Who cares about the race of each of the people you encountered? It's so irrelevant but somehow you felt the need to mention who was a Chinese PRC and who had bad breath. It only makes your complaint seem less credible because it just sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder (I'm sure you probably don't know what that even means because your English is appalling). I have no experience with this company but it seems if they are offering travel, you should take them up on it. It might help you to be exposed to other countries so you can become a more cultured person.
ReplyDeleteDYNAMIKS again? Oh my god. did a search and all complaints. I thought they closed down already! Luckily I didn't go that time.
ReplyDeleteHi, thanks for posting this. I thought such holiday scams or pyramids are non-existent in our country. It helped us to be more cautious and aware of these scums. People do anything more money. That's sad.
ReplyDeleteHi everyone, anybody familiar with Asialinx? Is this also a scam company?
ReplyDeleteAlso, I've been receiving calls saying that their companies are willing to buy my membership. Has anybody tried engage these companies in selling your membership? Is it worthed trying to go and find out how much they can buy back the membership? Thank you.
Oh My... alone in Cambodia, looking for some interesting story to read.. I would said this is very interesting...
ReplyDeleteDearest Ex Colleague,
Allan Lim :)
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A group of us are gathering information and going to nail down these two people who are behind all these, Dave Jaswal and Pauline Keisa Heng.
ReplyDeleteIf you have more informations, please email us at lovecebu@gmail.com
I had just gone done to their office and now it changed to Club Connectz. The girls there are laughing that we are being conned. Pauline still go in and out of that office. Their sins will find them out.
Thank you very much.